21 native trees in Portugal
On this weekend when Spring begins and the World Day of the Tree and Forest is celebrated, why not get to know the Portuguese forest better and in particular the tree species that compose it …
or should they compose?
1. Carob tree - Ceratonia siliqua
It is found in greater numbers in the south of Portugal, especially in the Algarve, although it is also common to find specimens in Terra Quente Transmontana. Together with Olaia (Cercis siliquastrum), they are the two leguminous tree species (Fabaceae family) originating in Europe.
2. Hazel tree hazel tree, hazel tree - Corylus avellana
It is mostly found in the north and west center of Portugal, becoming especially beautiful in spring during the flowering season.
3. Azereiro loureiro de Portugal, gingeira-brava - Prunus lusitanica
It is mostly found in the north and central north of Portugal and usually close to water lines.
4. Holly, zebro - Ilex aquifolium
It is found mainly in northwest Portugal and in the mountainous southwest, being a protected species under Decree-Law 423/89 of December 4th.
5. Boxwood, cat's eye - Buxus sempervirens
Very easy to find from north to south of Portugal, especially in historic gardens where it is commonly used in hedges and topiary.
6. Cerquinho oak, Portuguese oak - Quercus faginea
Very common in the mountainous northwest, center and southwest of Portugal.
7. Monchique oak, Algerian oak - Quercus canariensis
As can be deduced from its common name, it is a species that essentially inhabits the Serra de Monchique and specimens can be found in parks and gardens in the rest of the country.
8. Pyrenean oak, brown oak - Quercus pyrenaica
Very common in the north, center and south-west of Portugal, the youngest specimens are marcescents keeping the leaf during the winter.
9. Oak oak, oak - Quercus robur
Very common in the north, center and south west of Portugal.
10. Chestnut tree - Castanea Sativa
A very characteristic species of the Trás-os-Montes landscape where its fruit is highly appreciated, constituting a source of wealth for the region.
11. Laurel - Laurus nobilis
Very common in Portugal, except for the central east and cold lands, it is a species very appreciated for its culinary uses.
12. Strawberry tree - Arbutus unedo
Species very characteristic of the Mediterranean climate and can be found throughout the Portuguese territory, especially in cork oak, holm oak and maritime pine forests. It is a curious species because the flowering of one year coincides with the ripening of the fruits of the previous year.
13. Negrilho - (mosstree, elm, elm) - Ulmus minor
Very common in Portugal, except in the south-east, it is very often associated with water courses and humid soils.
14. Oliveira - (wild wild var.) - Olea europaea
Very common species in the Mediterranean climate and throughout the Portuguese territory, source of economic value in many regions of Portugal.
15. Padreiro - (maple, sycamore) - Acer pseudoplatanus
A very common species in the north, it is one of the two native Acer species in Portugal along with Acer monspessulanum.
16. Hawthorn - hawthorn) - Crataegus monogyna
Very common species throughout the Portuguese territory, especially along water lines, usually in the form of a small tree or subshrub.
17. Maritime pine - (land pine) - Pinus pinaster
Very common species throughout the Portuguese territory, usually in monospecies or mixed stands with broadleaf species.
18. Stone pine - Pinus pinea
A very common species throughout the Portuguese territory, except for the northeast and the cold land, it is closely associated with coastal landscapes and dunes.
19. Cork oak - (chaparro) - Quercus suber
A very characteristic species of the Mediterranean climate, which can be found throughout the Portuguese territory, especially in the southwest zone, it has been established as a national tree since December 22, 2011 (Resolution of the Assembly of the Republic No. -Law No. 169/2001, of 25 May. D.R. 121, Series I-A, amended by Decree-Law no. 155/2004, of 30 June. D.R. No. 152, Series I-A.
20. Zêlha - (montpellier maple, engelgue) - Acer monspessulanum
This species of Acer can be found essentially in the northeast, central north and central west of Portugal, in the climate of cold land and hot land.
21. Juniper - (Spanish juniper, oxycedron) - Juniperus oxycedrus
A very common species in the Mediterranean region, in Portugal it is found mainly in the region of Trás-os-Montes, Beira interior and Alentejo.
Did you already know these trees? What's your favorite autochthonous?
To learn more about the various species of Acer read this article:
To learn more about the various species of Quercus read this article: